Ecstatic Dance Winter Festival 07.-09.03 2025
In march we are opening a *heart* warming festival space full of liveliness, encounters and dance.
There is a lot of ecstatic dance, a cacao ritual, yoga, workshops on contact improvisation, authentic relating and meditation.
Since we are together in this wonderful place all weekend, we have the opportunity to immerse ourselves even deeper in the dance and the community. More and more people are now coming from all over Germany and Europe. We look forward to meeting many new people❤️
A large beautiful gym with high ceilings for dancing. A good 150 people can dance here with plenty of space.
We also rent a large hall for workshops, singing groups, playing and getting together.
There is a great room for the children with creative materials and toys. Of course, the children can be there anywhere, but here they also have their own area.
The school kitchen is served by a great cooking team with lovingly homemade vegetarian organic food. There are 3 meals a day and delicious hot drinks that can be booked as a whole package. (Gluten-free and vegan possible)
There are some classrooms that we can use to sleep. Here and in the hall (after dancing) there is the opportunity to sleep. There will also be a women-only classroom.
If you want something more private there are Air bnb apartments nearby or a great hostel in town. and much more
Location :
Free Waldorf School Freiburg-Rieselfeld
Ingeborg-Drewitz-Allee 1
79111 Freiburg
140 without overnight stay
160 with overnight stay
Supporter Ticket 190 Euro (with this you support the people who cannot afford it and ask for a discount)
+ 45 Euro if you want to book full board
Helpers are also needed in the kitchen, for dismantling and for the Kidsspace. Here you work up to 4 hours and pay a reduced ticket for 60 euros less. You can apply for this in the registration form.
Up to 6 years free
6-9 years 65 Euro
10-18 years 90 Euro
Link to the Program
Provider in detail see below
You can register using this registration form:
We look forward to seeing you
Ecstatic Dance Freiburg Team
Dj Subtill
Ecstatic Dance
Till has been a passionate DJ since his youth and has performed in various areas. He has been regularly organizing Ecstatic Dance events in Freiburg for 10 years. His DJ sets include different dance qualities and range from natural-meditative to ecstatic-wild.
He now travels all over Germany and Europe to bring his Ecstatic Dance to the world.
Djane Aniketa
Ecstatic Dance
Dancing and movement is my medicine.
Aniketa is a passionate Ecstatic Dance Djane, transformation facilitator in 1:1 sessions I CranioSacral Work I Shamanic Body Knowledge.
Her sets are a journey in itself: playful, powerful, ecstatic and deep at the same time.
My intention is to create a sacred and safe space where we can reach far out as a community and embody ourselves as human and spirit.
Djane Uhla
Lea Uhle, Somatic Dance Facilitator & DJ and yoga teacher. I am constantly exploring my own dance and movement practice in a curious and playful way that inspires me to share the freedom and power of free dance with others.
A fusion of Somatic Dance and Ecstatic Dance
In the first music wave I will guide you through impulses, my words and a specific theme | embodiment to dive into deeper layers of your body, explore new movements and find your authentic, free expression. The Somatic Dance wave creates a deep but gentle transition into the classical Ecstatic Dance space. In both waves, you can look forward to a diverse and colorful soundscape - with a wide variety of qualities, moods and genres.
Rike Köstlin
Rike has been living in the northern Black Forest, her home, for two years now. Her work with Yoga, Embodiment, Psycho Neuro Energetics and Breathwork aims at a new flow of life energy and the reconnection with oneself in order to work from this loving and living connection into one's own environment.
Workshop Himalayan Kundalini Kriya & Embodied Movement
With Pranayama and Himalayan Kundalini Kriya, we will coax body and voice out of their reserve and create a space in which we can feel ourselves more finely and perceive energy movements more consciously. I look forward to creating a vibrant and light-filled field with you in which we can experience our inner freedom, strength and gentleness in a new way.
Primal Play - The power of the primal
Primal Play invites you to get in touch with your primal vitality in a playful way. Through movement, physical contact and non-verbal communication, you explore your instincts and boundaries - mindfully, playfully and powerfully. In a safe environment, you can try yourself out, express yourself authentically and immerse yourself more deeply in your physical experience. An experience in which everything within you is welcome - your wildness and strength, as well as your tenderness and delicacy.
Stefan Häfner accompanies people on the path to fulfilling relationships - with themselves and others. His work combines knowledge of attachment, nervous system regulation and communication with embodiment practice and grounded spirituality. He creates spaces in which people can become more aware of themselves, lovingly integrate their patterns and explore new ways of connecting and expressing themselves - with clarity, depth and ease.
Bodywork with Alica Scheer and Sonja Schell
We invite you to sink, integrate and let go together. Space is opened up for intuitive touch and connection. Come as you are, we create a framework in which you can trust your body intelligence.
Alica Scheer
My experience of bodywork is made up of my experience from my osteopathic training and my ever-growing journey of exploration in my dance experiences.
Sonja Schell
My vision is to support people to feel their love for life and connect with their body wisdom to let go of the old and feel free and alive. I offer individual lessons in transformative bodywork, workshops for embodiment and couple dance and Fluentbody for groups. Further information at
Fabian Häp - Singing circle
With our healing songs we invite love and connection - to ourselves, to each other, to nature and to the greater whole. We do something good for the soul and find grounding, peace and connection in singing and in silence. All voices are welcome in the circle.
BE EMBODIED - Sei präsent in deinem Körper
NO TALKING - Keine Gespräche im Tanzraum
- Sei klar im Bewusstsein – dies ist ein Drogen- und alkoholfreier Raum
- Achte auf einen Konsens im Kontakt mit anderen. Spürt/hört ein „Ja“ und respektiert ein „Nein“ im Kontakt
- Bitte stellt eure Handys in den Flugmodus und macht keine Filme oder Fotos
- Sei Frei. Tanze wie du willst. Bewerte nicht dich selbst und auch nicht andere
Diese Guidelines helfen uns dabei, einen konzentrierten und sicheren Tanzraum zu kreieren. Es klingt erstmal nach vielen Regeln, aber in diesem Raum darf ganz viel sein und entstehen. Komm und du wirst es sehen :)
Die Richtlinien schützen diesen wunderbaren Tanzraum und geben uns die Sicherheit uns in Klarheit frei entfalten zu können unsere Herzen zu öffnen und den Tanz fließen zu lassen.
Uns zu genießen ...