Ecstatic Dance Winter Festival  16.-18.Feb 2024


In February we are opening a *heart* warming festival space full of liveliness, encounters and dance.

There is a lot of ecstatic dance, a cacao ritual, yoga, workshops on contact improvisation, authentic relating and meditation.

Since we are together in this wonderful place all weekend, we have the opportunity to immerse ourselves even deeper in the dance and the community. More and more people are now coming from all over Germany and Europe. We look forward to meeting many new people❤️

A large beautiful gym with high ceilings for dancing. A good 150 people can dance here with plenty of space.

We also rent a large hall for workshops, singing groups, playing and getting together.

There is a great room for the children with creative materials and toys. Of course, the children can be there anywhere, but here they also have their own area.


The school kitchen is served by a great cooking team with lovingly homemade vegetarian organic food. There are 3 meals a day and delicious hot drinks that can be booked as a whole package. (Gluten-free and vegan possible)

There are some classrooms that we can use to sleep. Here and in the hall (after dancing) there is the opportunity to sleep. There will also be a women-only classroom.

If you want something more private there are Air bnb apartments nearby or a great hostel in town. and much more





Location :

Free Waldorf School Freiburg-Rieselfeld

Ingeborg-Drewitz-Allee 1

79111 Freiburg


120 without overnight stay 

140 with overnight stay 

Plus 40 Euro if you want to book full board




Up to 6 years free 

6-9 years 50 Euro 

10-18 years 70 Euro


You can register using this registration form: 




We look forward to seeing you


Ecstatic Dance Freiburg Team

Ecstatic dance with

Djane Mystica  (Belgium)


Mystica has a passion for collecting deep soul touching music which she loves to share with the world.

In the 20 years of developing herself as a dj, her style moved from only world music and world beat into a more electronic sound but she always kept the multicultural, natural and mystical sounds in her dj sets.

more on:

Dj Subtill  (Freiburg, Germany)


Till has been a passionate DJ since his youth and has played in various areas. He has regularly organised ecstatic dance events in Freiburg for 10 years. His DJ sets include different dance qualities and range from natural-meditative to ecstatic-wild.

Dj Antarius  (Bamberg, Germany)


In the usual experimental style, the dancers dance wildly and freely and playfully celebrate life.

A musical journey through inner and outer worlds. <3

Antarius has been a DJ for 10 years and loves to mould sound paths from the most diverse musical styles into a single work of art.

Djane Aniketa (Freiburg, Germany)


I love djing and the precious gift of inviting the dancers into a sacred journy in connecting with themselves, with eachother, grandmother earth and the pure cristall clear source of everything. I love to create a playfull, deep, strong and still journey. Rising Deep, an ecstatic dance based journey. My intention is to create a sacred and safe place where we can reach high as a community together to more and more embody the shift of consciousness we are riding the waves at the moment. For all my relations.


Workshops from:

Contact Improvisation with Melanie Seeger


This workshop offers an introduction to various techniques of Contact Improvisation. CI is an improvised dance form with one or more people. By releasing and picking up weight and playing with gravity, momentum and the right timing, spontaneous, dynamic acrobatics are created. This workshop can enrich your ecstatic dance experience and offers you new opportunities to come into contact with yourself and other people.



Kundalini Yoga with Lucy Philine


Lucy is a midwife (B.Sc.), breath coach, Kundalini Yoga teacher and co-initiator of the Juicy Lab ( Lucy's aim is to create sensitive spaces of feeling where people can come into contact with themselves and others.

Voice development & singing circle with Marius


We go on a journey to feel, experience and unfold our own inner vibration. We go into our own shadows that are hidden there and meet them lovingly.

In the second part we celebrate our voice, sensually, powerfully and in community in the singing circle.

Bodywork with Alica Scheer and Sonja Schell


We invite you to arrive in your body and be with what is right now. In groups of two, we will accompany you on a dynamic and gentle journey with touch and shared presence.

Singing circles with Anji 


Music in the soul can be heard by the universe✨ Anji is a musician and osteopath. Her deep calling is to open up spaces in which healing can take place, an arrival at oneself, and the connection to all life can be felt.

Circus programme for children with Sophia Frick


Here you can do somersaults and cartwheels, learn to do handstands, fly on your friends' feet, climb to the top of a pyramid and even take part in a small circus show at the end of this workshop.